How to Pack Your Air Manager

Properly boxing your Air Manager for travel is very important. 

Place bottom tray with clip   holes toward you. Place the foam in the bottom, aligning the outer edge of each piece with the inside of the clip hole. Place the cross pieces in the notches. 


Place the larger cardboard inside the foam. Orient so that the largest cut out is opposite you and the smaller cut outs are on the left and right.


Place the cap inside so the white protrusions line up with the cut outs.


Place the smaller cardboard inside the cap. Align the cardboard so the notches fit around the white pieces on the left and right.


Place the foam pieces inside the cardboard; then place the cross pieces in the notches.


Place the fan in the back notch and the filter and accessories in the front. When done correctly, they should sit at approximately the same height. Place the box with the bracket and the two booklets on top. If you are shipping your Air Manager for repair, you do not need to include the booklets.


Identify the top foam pieces. Place them in the labeled notches on the cardboard. The foam should be placed so that the bottom part in the photo is toward the bottom of the box and the horizontal protrusion sits over the bracket box.



Now place the top box on, lining up the clip holes, and press the clamp clips in place.

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