UltiMaker S3

Are the UltiMaker 3 and the Ultimaker S3 the same?

There are a number of key differences between the UltiMaker 3 (UM3) and the UltiMaker S3 (S3). The S3 has a large, easy to use touch screen instead of the OLED screen with the scroll wheel that was used on the UM2 and UM3 series printers. While they use the same size glass bed, the S3 has a slightly larger footprint, allowing for more of the build plate to be used than had been possible on the UM3. The S3 also uses an updated feeder design, that includes an easy open lever, run out detection, and hardened knurled parts resistant to wear and tear printing metal or composite filament. The S3 printer profiles and hardware support the CC .4 and CC .6 Print Cores, which were not supported on the UM3.

Where can I find the spec sheet for the S3?

The technical specifications for the S3 are available for download from here.

How heavy is the S3?

It is 46 pounds, making it easy to move and set up in your lab, makerspace, or home.

Does the S3 have need to ship on a pallet?

No. The S3 can ship via FedEx Ground, and we offer free shipping on it from fbrc8.com.

Is the S3 compatible with the Material Station?

At this time, the S3 is not compatible with the Material Station.

Can I get an enclosure for the S3?

Yes. You can (and should for certain materials), enclose the S3. While UltiMaker does not offer an Air Manager for the S3, there are a number of enclosures available, including this one.

Is the S3 compatible with the Metal Expansion Kit?

The S3 is compatible with the Metal Expansion Kit. You will need an enclosure for it, and outside ventilation is recommended for this material.

Which nozzle should I use for PVA?

PVA should only be run through the BB .4 and BB .8 Print Cores.

What materials will PVA stick to?

Currently, the PLA/PVA, Nylon/PVA, PETG/PVA, and CPE/PVA prints are supported PVA combinations. You can try using other filaments with your PVA, but, the PVA may not adhere to them as well, and you could end up causing damage to your printer if they come off the bed.

Can I remove the nozzle tip from my Core and replace it with a different size or material?

No. The printhead Cores on your S3 have been designed to give you the maximum amount of reliability. As such, they have been carefully engineered and built to very specific standards. The very thin neck between the heater block and larger metal tube helps prevent heat from seeping up into the Teflon piece in the Core, protecting it from the heat and prolonging the life of your Core. However, this part is also very fragile and would have a high risk of damage if you attempted to remove the nozzle tip and replace it with another one.

Can I turn my STL file into a dual extrusion file in Cura?

If you're looking to print with two different color materials, you're going to need to start with two files. If you want to create a print with dissolvable supports, Cura can generate the support material. You can read more about both processes here.

I lost my USB stick. Do I need to order a special replacement?

Any USB stick available from your local office supply store will work on your S3 as long as it is formatted FAT32 and no more than 32GB.

Should I keep my packaging?

Yes. On the chance that your printer may ever need to be moved or come in for warranty repair work, it needs to be repacked in its original packaging, as per Ultimaker's warranty.

What's that round thing printing on my bed? I didn't put a model there.

You may notice a tower printing in the back right corner of your bed that wasn't visible in Cura when you loaded your STL file. This is your priming tower. The priming tower gives your printer a place to prime the nozzle to ensure that you have a steady flow of material when printing in dual extrusion; it also gives the printhead a place to knock loose any strands of filament that may have oozed out of the unused nozzle so that they don't land on your print. (Whether or not a priming tower prints by default will depend on what material combinations you're using, as well as which versions of Cura you're using.)

How do I update my firmware?

The Ultimaker S3 firmware updates can performed on the machine itself, the same way your smart phone or computer can. You'll want to make sure you're connected to the internet, either through wifi or the LAN connection, then you can update the firmware in the machine's menu under the System section. Alternatively, you can perform firmware updates over USB stick by downloading the files from Ultimaker's website.

Where do I download Cura? 

You can download Cura here. For more information about slicing files, you can check out the Cura manual.

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