How Do I Update Cura? How Do I Update my Firmware?

Periodically, you'll want to update Cura and your firmware. Cura is the slicer that Ultimaker supports. You can download updated versions of Cura here. When choosing which version to download, make sure you choose the most recent release for your operating system.

We recommend removing filament from your printer prior to installing a firmware update on your printer; also, it's helpful to do a factory reset after updating to make sure all aspects of the firmware update have taken effect. Never initiate a firmware update while in the middle of printing.

  • To do a factory reset on an Ultimaker 2 series printer: Maintenance   Advanced   Factory Reset
  • To do a factory reset on an Ultimaker 3 series printer: System   Maintenance   Factory Reset

Firmware Update--Ultimaker 2 series and Ultimaker Original series

Downloading Cura on your computer does not change the firmware that is uploaded on your printer. For Ultimaker 2 series and Ultimaker Original series printers, use the most recent version of Cura to install the updated firmware on your printer.

  1. Turn your printer on and connect it to your computer via the USB cable that came in your accessory bag. 
  2. In your updated version of Cura, click SETTINGS on the top menu. Select the model of printer you are using, denoted by a checkmark. If you do not see the correct model, click ADD PRINTER and follow the instructions. 
  3. When the correct model is selected, click "Manage Printers."
  4. A dialog box will appear. Choose "Upgrade Firmware."
  5. The lights on your printer will turn off while the firmware updates. This is completely normal. 
  6. You can remove the USB cable once the firmware has been updated.

If you update your firmware and the printer no longer functions correctly, see our troubleshooting guide here.

Firmware Update--Ultimaker 3 series, Ultimaker + Connect, and S-line

Updating the firmware on your Ultimaker 3 or Ultimaker 3 Extended printer is not dependent on the version of Cura you're using. Ultimaker 3 series printers can be updated over the network from the printer itself, or via USB stick after the most recent firmware from UltiMaker's website.

  • If your printer is connected to the internet via wifi or LAN, you can update the firmware directly on the printer by going to System -> Maintenance -> Firmware Update. Choose "Stable" or "Testing" from the menu.
  • Alternately, you can download the most recent firmware files from UltiMaker's website and save them to your USB stick and place it in the printer. Go to System -> Maintenance -> Firmware update, and scroll past "Stable" and "Testing". The downloaded file should show as visible and available to install from your USB stick and will be the third item on the list. 


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